Digital invoice processing in SAP S/4HANA®.

Optimize your invoice management: Efficient invoice processing in SAP S/4HANA® with Inn2!

It is impossible to imagine our lives without invoices, as we encounter them almost every day in one way or another. While end consumers can often count their invoices on one hand, the situation for companies is far more complex. With our digital invoice processing, you can help your company keep track of the large number of invoices and avoid delays and errors when paying for goods and services.

Learn more about Inn2's automated invoice management and how we capture supplier invoices automatically in SAP S/4HANA® to ensure your day-to-day business runs smoothly. In addition to automated invoice receipt in SAP S/4HANA®, our digital invoice processing includes a variety of applications that allow you to upload invoices with precise import parameters and manage them through a unified interface. Automated invoice management can be adapted and extended to meet customer-specific requirements.

The advantages of digital invoice receipt in SAP are

  • Invoice capture,

  • digitization and validation,

  • matching of invoice data,

  • Approval workflows,

  • Reduction of errors,

  • Relief of the team

Digital. Automated. Efficient.

Compatible with SAP S/4HANA®

Want to save €15 per invoice?

Advantages & Functions of our Solution

  • End-to-end monitoring provides a transparent overview of operations.

  • With electronic invoice processing, you create a stronger and more trusting relationship with your suppliers and improve communication and collaboration, as invoices can be processed quickly and efficiently.

  • Automated invoice processing can improve the company's overall cash flow, as invoices are paid on time.

  • The integrated process means that sensitive invoice information no longer has to be distributed manually, e.g. by e-mail. This increases security.

  • With our automated invoice management, you reduce the risk of processing fraudulent invoices because the system can be configured to flag suspicious invoices for further review.

  • 1. process an invoice with as little human intervention as possible and achieve zero-touch digital invoice processing.

    2. To be and remain compliant with government regulations in an increasingly regulated accounts payable environment.

  • With our automated invoice management, you can search, filter and sort the list of supplier invoices. This allows you to narrow down the list and quickly find a specific invoice. We support the display of invoice attachments as well as seamless navigation to the invoice. You can work with draft invoices and previously captured invoices.

  • Capture paper invoices to automatically save them as a digital version in SAP and extract the relevant data. Simply take a picture of the invoice and upload it to SAP, or drag and drop the invoice from the mail program into the application.

  • Our artificial intelligence recognizes text on your invoices and automatically transforms this information into the SAP® invoice format.

  • Improve accounts payable productivity by enabling the accounting team to monitor incoming invoices with direct access to attachments and workflows with our automated invoice receipt.

  • Our electronic invoice processing is intuitive and modern. The solution adapts to mobile devices with the help of SAP FIORI®.

  • Using automatic invoice receipt, errors caused by manual entries or checks are avoided. The solution's high level of automation significantly reduces your costs.

Initial situation of invoice processing

Challenges in accounts payable

  • High workload and low operational efficiency lead to increased costs and rising business risk

  • Compliance with new regulatory requirements and need to keep pace with approval models

  • Ever-increasing demands for continuous transaction controls

Goals of digital invoice processing

  1. To process an invoice with as little human intervention as possible

  2. Achieve touchless and digital invoice processing while remaining compliant in an increasingly regulated accounts payable environment.

Invoice Processing explained

Invoice receipt explained

For many companies, automatic invoice receipt is the first step towards becoming a digital company. The large number of incoming invoices can quickly become a challenge for the respective department. Even the medium used to receive invoices varies from case to case. Invoices are sent to one or more e-mail addresses, they end up in a central folder or are received by post. It is difficult to maintain an overview. The invoices then have to be checked and processed manually. A considerable amount of work and coordination cannot be avoided as a result.

Typical problems with invoice processing

  • The need to process and pay invoices on time can cause stress, especially when there are many invoices to process.

  • When invoices are incomplete or incorrect, it can lead to frustration as additional time and effort is required to resolve them.

  • Uncertainty about how invoices are approved and who is responsible for approving them can lead to confusion and frustration.

  • Fear of making mistakes in processing invoices can lead to emotional distress, as mistakes can have financial implications.

  • When records are lost or missing, it can lead to frustration and stress, as tracking down these documents can be time-consuming.

  • A sudden increase in invoice volume can lead to overload and stress, especially if staffing is inadequate.

  • Difficulties in communicating with suppliers, for example regarding payment deadlines or disputes, can cause emotional distress.

  • The need to comply with tax regulations and compliance requirements can cause uncertainty and stress.

  • Uncertainty about the status of payments and open invoices can cause stress and dissatisfaction, especially when suppliers follow up.

  • Difficulty forecasting and budgeting expenses due to delays or uncertainty in invoice processing can cause emotional problems.

Process of the digital invoice process

Digital invoice processing at a glance

 Digital invoice processing in SAP S/4HANA®

An Overview

True to our motto "Intelligently connecting People, Things and Businesses," Inn2's automated invoice processing digitizes accounts payable processes. Manage and accelerate invoice processing and workflows, and support compliance with national and international regulations.

Digital Invoice Upload

Our solution integrates seamlessly with the SAP S/4HANA® standard. The invoice capture process starts with the supplier invoice. In addition to uploading them to the system as PDF or PNG files, invoices can now be captured even more easily - by simply photographing them and uploading them to SAP, or dragging and dropping them from the mail program into the application. In the process, the invoice information is automatically extracted from the file and transferred to a draft invoice.

Fully integrated & automated

Automatic invoive upload

Invoices can be uploaded manually, from an email inbox, via a storage directory or mobile as a photo. This gives you a central entry point for invoice processing at any time.

Central & automatic invoice upload

Central Invoice processing

The Inn2 solution for digital invoice receipt in SAP is adaptable to the needs of your specific invoice processes via integrated customizing. In addition, the solution can be tailored specifically to your needs through the use of SAP standard enhancement options.

Customizable and extensible


Einzigartiger Worklow

  • Workflow ganz an Ihre Ansprüche und Vorstellungen angepasst.

  • Speziell zur Rechnungsprüfung- und Freigabe außerhalb vom SAP-System.

  • Erstellen Sie Freigabe-Workflows, die z.B. speziell an die Höhe der Rechnungen angepasst sind.

  • Genaue Dokumentation als PDF-Anhang am gebuchten SAP-Beleg.

  • Einfach, unabhängig, jederzeit und von überall.

Unique Worklow

Deployment as an
OnPremise Solution

OnPremise Solution

Deployment as an
Cloud Solution

Cloud Solution


Your own OCR solution:

Have you already established an OCR solution in your company? Our solution can be seamlessly integrated.

Own archive system:

Do you already have an existing archiving system in place? Our solution can be connected to the existing archiving system with SAP standard integrations via Archive Link or CMIS.

Technical information

  • Compatible with

    • SAP S/4HANA®

  • Deployment on a server

    • Automated invoice processing is a flexible solution that can be hosted on-premise or in the cloud.

  • Subject of performance

    • The subject of this offer is the Inn2 digital invoice processing solution.

  • Globally available

    • As an intelligent software, electronic invoice processing can be used anywhere in the world. We support all languages.

  • Our solution is available OnPremise and in the cloud.

Plans and tariffs

We are ready to help.

We know how scary the digital world can be. No matter how big or small your project is, we're here for you. Give us a call or send us an email and we'll set up a time to meet or talk about your exact needs.